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Latin America Today

Dec 9, 2011

In response to protests against a large mining project, Peru's center-left government has declared a state of emergency. The situation, seen as a test for the new government, is at an impasse. Adam talks to WOLA Senior Fellow Jo-Marie Burt.

Nov 11, 2011

On Sunday, Guatemalans elected retired Gen. Otto Pérez Molina to be their next president, while Nicaraguans re-elected Daniel Ortega. Adam talks about the result, and what might come next, with WOLA Senior Associates Adriana Beltrán and Maureen Meyer.

Oct 24, 2011

Geoff Thale, el director de programas de WOLA, conversa con Juan Raúl Ferreira, un periodista, escritor y activista uruguayo. Hablan de la experiencia de la amnistía que se otorgó a los militares en su país, y el esfuerzo de derogarla.

Oct 19, 2011

Adam talks to Josiah Heyman, professor of Anthropology at the University of Texas at El Paso, about recent developments in U.S. border policy and their impact on migration and security in El Paso, Texas and the neighboring city of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

Oct 7, 2011

WOLA Fellows George Withers and Lucila Santos have an animated conversation with Timothy Dunn, a professor at the University of Salisbury and expert on U.S. border security policy.